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How to create a corporate wellness program that appeals to all your employees

The holy grail of corporate wellness programs is a program that appeals and engages all of your employees, delivers tangible results and maximises your return on investment.

So how do you get there?


Firstly, let’s consider the advantages of engaging employees across departments and seniority. Engagement at all levels and areas is crucial to show results firm wide and maximise your return on investment. 100% engagement from one job title only will not provide with you a maximum return on investment.

Firm wide initiatives are a great way to make your program more fun, interactive and allow your employees to interact with different teams and employees. In addition, the more employees you appeal to, the more your employees will promote the program themselves, and the greater your results will be.

Creating an impressive company culture is now firmly recognised as vital for employee productivity and retention. In a study by Deloitte, 82% of human capital and business leaders believe that actively shaping culture is a strategic priority. Further, when organisations successfully engage their customers and their employees, they experience a 240% boost in performance related business outcomes.

Embedding a workplace wellness program that appeals, motivates and promotes interaction between your employees helps shape a culture of a committed, secure and dynamic workplace.


Now, let’s move onto how to create an appealing, engaging corporate wellness program.

The first step to appealing to more employees is to ask your employees what they want from your workplace wellness program. Sending out simple questionnaires asking about your employees current concerns, goals and interests will give you all the information you need to design a program that will maximise its appeal to as many of your employees as possible.

Secondly, you will need to implement a diverse workplace wellness program. This diversity should come from a range of topics (such as nutrition, personal finances, mindfulness), types of session (such as interactive workshops, fitness classes, cooking demonstrations), and different time slots (early morning, lunchtime, mid-afternoon). This ensures you are appealing to the interests, needs and availability of as wide a range of employees as possible.

Thirdly, you need to appeal to specific demographics within your workforce. By looking at the demographics of your employees, you can include specific sessions in your corporate wellness program. Whilst these may not appeal to all your employees, they will be much more effective at engaging certain sections of your workplace. For example, specific workshops on nutrition for families will appeal to parents, talks on hormonal imbalances can be tailored to men, women and different age ranges. Including a range of these specific workshops will mean you cover the needs of most of your workforce and your employees will be more compelled to get involved at an individual level.

Lastly, you need to give your program time to grow and evolve. Holding the occasional workshop will not deliver tangible results. Offering consistent wellness activities and building a year long program will:

  • Create progressive results

  • Allow your program to build its reputation internally

  • Ensure a diverse range of topics can be covered

  • Allow for feedback and improvements to be made

  • Show demonstrable results and improvements

So there you have it, four steps to building a program that will appeal to as many of your employees as possible.

At KW Corporate Wellness, maximising engagement and results from our programs are key. We start with an initial consultation to run through the specific needs and objectives of our clients, and outline a completely tailored program of workplace wellness activities. We implement a feedback system, encourage use of testing and questionnaires to demonstrate results and provide you with regular reports on your employee engagement.

To find out more about our programs and how we can assist you, visit today.



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